Sunday, July 29, 2012

Helpful Course Resources

NAEYC Articles
I Can Do It Myself: Encouraging Independence in Young Children
Teaching Young Children Through Work & Play
Children Who Just Watch

National Association for the Education of Young Children

The Division for Early Childhood

National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education

Sunday, July 8, 2012

One of the main reasons that my interest in the early childhood field is the importance I put on the education of young children.  I truly believe that if we get to these children at an early age and help develop their developmental stages, then we are starting them in the right direction.  Early childhood is a very critical time and we should work hard at helping these children reach their fullest potential possible.
My favorite children's book is "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White (I read this book as an adult).  The reason this book is my favorite is because it stresses the importance of friendship and what the hardships and trouble the two main characters went through for each other.  I showed me that we need to face the world with open eyes and be able to see the miracles found in the simplest of things.
In developing this blog for child advocacy, I will address issues and resources needed for being an advocate for young children and their families.   I hope this blog will be helpful to educators who are interested in working with young children.
I have two quotes that I have printed and posted over my computer at work:

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world, love of books is the best of all"
Jacqueline Kennedy

A person can strip you of your possessions, however, nobody can ever take away your education.