My Supports
My family is my biggest support, as a single parent my parents were there to help me with my four children. If not for their support, my children would probably have taken a different path in their lives. I come from a large family (8 sisters and 3 brothers) and we were brought up by my parents to always be there for each other. My children have also been my biggest support, after I put them through school, they encouraged me to go ahead and finish with my educational goals. My daughter has been there for me through my surgeries and my heart attack, always taking care of me and making sure I take my medications and keep my doctor's appointments. My circle of best friends, who have always been there pushing and encouraging me to stay positive and never give up. My significant other, Juan, who always takes care of me and has an encouraging word when I most need it.
Factors in my Life:
Factors in my life that make my life easier to deal with are my computer, to be able to take on-line courses to fulfill my educational goals. Being able to pay my bills when going out of the house is not possible, being able to communicate with loved ones who live far away and not being able to visit them on a regular basis. My vehichle, which without it I wouldn't be able to go to work, therefore, not be able to provide the necessities for my family. Without my vehicle I wouldn't be able to transport my family to doctor visits, go to the grocery store or even take my family on an outing for entertainment.
It would be hard to live without these factors in my life, however, it would not make life impossible. I am sure that I would find means of transportation in order to take my family to the doctor or even to go to the grocery store to provide food on my table. I remember when we were children, there were bus rides taking people to work, to town and back home. All these things in our life have become necessities, however, I know we would find ways to life without them no matter how easy life has been using them.